OU Virak
Navith did his bachelor degree in International Relations at the Royal University of Law and Economics. His undergraduate thesis titled «Southeast Asia at the Heart of Indo-Pacific: The Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives of ASEAN and Major Powers Relationships in the 21st Century». Presently, He is pursuing a dual master degree of Public International Law, a joint cooperation between the RULE and the University of Paris. Plus, He is working as an Admin and Program Coordinator at the Global Peace Alliance - Cambodia Organization (GPAC). Prior to being involved with the Future Forum, Young Researcher Program, He was a research trainee at Cambodia Development Resource Institution (CDRI). Besides, He had been working as a recruitment assistant in a local company, HRINC (Cambodia) Co., Ltd for a while after I finished a six-month internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Other than that, He had been doing volunteer and internship at GPAC almost a year before he moved to Cambodia Development Center, working as a research and project assistant intern. In addition, He has joined a number of workshops, seminars, training and so forth. His research interests are Diplomacy and International Law, Indo-Pacific Foreign Policy, the US-Sino Relations, Small State Foreign Policy, and Public Policy – Education, social Development, Politics, Human Rights, Gender Equality and Agricultural and Rural Development
Navith PEN
Young Research Fellow 2023 ( Batch 1)
Bachelor degree in International Relations at the Royal University of Law and Economics
Diplomacy and public international law, Indo-Pacific foreign policy, International Trading, Social development (Education, Gender equality, Human rights) and Agricultural and Rural Development.