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OU Virak

LIM Lengsim completed a Bachelor's degree of Art in Psychology from the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2019. Currently she is a young research fellow at Future Forum. Prior to this, she volunteered as a data collector at ActionAid before joining ISPP as a student's paraprofessional. This inspired her to develop her interest and passion in Speech Therapy services in one enterprise clinic. Since then, she has practiced as a speech therapy assistant for 2 years and then became a project officer at OIC organization that works in developing the Speech Therapy profession in Cambodia. Lengsim is curious about early childhood and communication difficulties, invisible issues that matter to public debate in public health. She believes Cambodia still lacks speech therapy professional services to provide support to children and adults who have communication, speech, and language difficulties. She hopes that preschool teachers should be trained on identifying children with communication, language, and speech difficulties at an early stage of education.

Lengsim LIM

Young Research Fellow (2022 Batch 2)


BA in Psychology


Communication Disabilities

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