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Volume 3



Rule of Law

Implicitly underpinning the feasibility of the potential futures outlined in the above chapters is the rule of law. Authors Thomas Pearson and CHANTY Pisal use their chapter to explore this mechanism explicitly. Their writing explores the requirements to inspire confidence in investors and citizens alike. In particular, theories of good governance and accountability are examined in countenance to potential pitfalls of corruption and rule by law in contrast to rule of law.

About the Author

Thomas Pearson and CHANTY Pisal

Thomas Pearson is an attorney and a Visiting Research Fellow at Future Forum. For most of the last decade, he lived in Cambodia, teaching international arbitration, business law and labor law courses at the Royal University of Law & Economics at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as managing two LLM programs in international law. He also taught economics at the National University of Management. Prior to moving into full-time academic work, he served as partner and head of the corporate and commercial practice group at a mid-sized commercial law firm in Phnom Penh, where he assisted a diverse range of local and international clients. Currently based in the US, his research interests include: institutional, social and legal development, including rulemaking, dispute resolution and social hierarchies; legal, social and economic exchange among diverse groups; governance institutions and mechanisms within "ungoverned" societies and critical approaches to international law. He graduated cum laude from Hillsdale College with a B.A. in political economy and received his J.D. from George Mason University School of Law.

CHANTY Pisal is an awardee of the Australia Awards scholarship, pursuing a Master of Public Policy in Policy Analysis and Economic Policy at the Australian National University. He holds a dual master’s degree in public and international law from the University of Paris 8 and Royal University of Law and Economics, a Diploma of High-Ranking Civil Servants majoring in diplomacy from the Royal School of Administration, and a bachelor’s degree from University of Cambodia. His research interests include ASEAN laws and regional integration, digital economy and public finance.

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