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Volume 2




Beginning with the question, ‘what is an informed society?’, author SOEUNG Sophat discusses the crucial role of an independent Media towards ensuring an informed and self-determined population. With a focus on the free flow of information, Sophat explores the role of a pluralistic, institutionalized governance landscape in securing the comprehensive legal framework to guarantee the fundamental functions of the news media sector. In addition, he advocates for the inclusion of nationwide digital media literacy and critical thinking platforms throughout education in order to deliver a savvy domestic consumer.

About the Author


SOEUNG Sophat is a Digital Strategist/Reporter at Voice of America Khmer Service (VOA Khmer). His education includes a MA, International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA, 2009; LLB, Royal University of Law and Economics, 2007; B.Ed (English), IFL, Royal University of Phnom Penh, 2004. He is interested in policy research on digital and social media impacts, media and communication, youth policy, technology and entrepreneurship, international affairs, political economy, and identity politics and governance, in Cambodia and Southeast Asia.

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