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Volume 1



Social Protection

As Cambodia continues its trajectory towards upper-middle-income, there are a number of changing socio-economic features that raise difficult questions for policymakers. How does Cambodia support an ageing population? How can an economy protect its population in a recession? What are the necessary safety mechanisms to manage external shocks and domestic stresses? In the final chapter, YOU Sotheary sets out to answer these questions. Drawing on examples from Thailand to Kuwait to Brazil, she outlines the future of social welfare protection set amid a growing economy and rapidly changing world. In particular, questions and answers are provided as to the benefit of pension schemes, universal health converge, paternal work leave, and income security for the working age population. Taking into account the competing economic and social arguments, this chapter offers an intriguing overview of the needs for Cambodia as a developing economy.

About the Author

YOU Sotheary

YOU Sotheary is a gender and development practitioner, and the founder of Life of Women Human Rights Defenders and Next Women Generation. She holds a Master’s degree in international development policy from Duke University. Her research interests include gender-sensitive development policy, sexual and gender-based violence, gender-responsive public finance, and taxation.

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