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Working Paper

Exploring the Feasibility of Universal Health Coverage in Cambodia: Lessons Learned from Rwanda and Thailand

This research intends to identify a feasible UHC model for Cambodia employing the ‘most similar system design’ as a comparative method by using Thailand and Rwanda as case studies. Catastrophic health spending, lack of financial health protection for the population, and a fragmented social health system persist as the main concerns to be addressed. In the case of Cambodia where primary data is accessible, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with key informants including local and international health organizations, government health agencies, and university clinical lecturers and students. The research found that the delivery of quality health services was the main constraint to UHC being achieved followed by fiscal limitations. The paper provides policy recommendations as a roadmap for Cambodia to achieve UHC with full population coverage, financial sustainability and the provision of quality healthcare services.

About the Author

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TANG Vouchnea

Ms. Tang Vouchnea graduated from the Young Research Fellow program at Future Forum in 2019. Her research topic was “Exploring the Feasibility of Universal Health Coverage in Cambodia,” which has shaped her interest and work in the public health field. She is currently a program officer in WASH and Health Program at WaterAid Cambodia. Prior to her current position, she was an assistant to the technical advisor at the National Social Security Fund. She holds a BA in International Relations and BA in English, majoring in Professional Communication at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Royal University of Phnom Penh. Her research interest mainly focuses on public health, social protection, and other public policy issues.

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