OU Virak
A Kui indigenous from Kampong Thom, RIM Sarem earned a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, majoring in Educational Management and Teaching, and completed the Young South East Asia Leader Initiatives (YSEALI) Professional Fellowship Program in the United States. He also enrolled in a number of short courses in video production, website development, GIS, communication, and social media. As a freelance environmental journalist focusing on indigenous issues, he received journalistic certificates from various short courses in Thailand, the Philippines, and Nepal. He has considerable experience in communication and media, having worked as a videographer for the Voice for Democracy (VoD) radio station, as well as a media officer for the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) and other NGOs. He is currently a full-time media officer at CIPA, working on website development, social media promotion, project work, case and research study writing, and video production needed to support advocacy and public awareness of the CIPA's work. A young research fellow at Future Forum, Sarem develops his research interests in biodiversity and indigenous people.
Sarem RIM
Young Research Fellow (2022)

Bachelor of Arts in English majoring in Educational Management and Teaching, Norton University
Indigenous People Issues