Working Paper
The Current State of Cambodia’s STEM Education: A Case Study of the Preah Sisowath New Generation School
As a fast-growing economy with a low-skilled base, increasing Cambodia’s human resources and job availability in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) sectors will be instrumental in promoting long-term, sustainable growth. Given the importance of STEM education in Cambodia where jobs in these sectors have become increasingly available, it is essential to establish an effective STEM model that can address the sectoral skills mismatch. As a case study, this paper will specifically examine the curriculum at the New Generation School located at Preah Sisowath High School, one of the most prominent Cambodian STEM models in the country. Four indicators have been determined to measure the effectiveness of the STEM model. They are, goals and objectives of the school, student interest, student literacy, and gender balance in STEM education.
About the Author
BAN Chanphalla
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